He wanted to PAY ME! I said NO WAY #freemowfridays

1 year ago

This was a small overgrown front yard but there was a lot to clean up. Lots of trimming and hedging and a lot of detail work.
I also try out the Greenworks Commercial 82v Line Trimmer. Come to think of it, all the gear in this video is battery outdoor power equipment.
Milwaukee mower and blower.

If you are interested in any of the equipment I'm using, check out my new page Turf and Tools https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOeLjNpoL7WLq_oBku3dL1Q where I review equipment that I am sent and use. If you'd like to send something for me to show, send me an e-mail timthelawnmowerman@gmail.com

Hi! My name is Tim The Lawnmower Man and I love to clean up overgrown yards and make fun videos doing it. I'm able to do them for free as these videos have ads on them and the revenue from that enables me to cover my cost.

I'm always looking for the worst yards around. Sometimes I drive around looking for them, sometimes viewers send me suggestions.

🎥 Twitch Live Streaming http://www.twitch.tv/timthelawnmowerman
📸 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/timthelawnmo...
🍭 TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ2TvrTj/
📧 E-mail: timthelawnmowerman@gmail.com
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