Can mankind make earthquakes using HAARP or DEW’s

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This year has been a record year for fires around the world. It seems that the entire world is on fire. And, of course “climate change” is being blamed as a precipitator of the fires. This false science is being used to perpetuate a change in society, in economics and in any science that is supposed to promote truth. As we have seen in Maui Hawaii, Direct Energy Weapons are being used as a tool to selectively start fires with pinpoint accuracy. But what about earthquakes? This year we’ve heard about earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, Morocco, the South Pacific and many other places. Along with these quakes, there has appeared a whitish blue light just at or before the earthquake. Scientists have introduced a theory, that it is nobel gasses glowing because electric current is being passed through them. Are the earthquakes a natural event or are they caused by a manmade force that has mastered the art of destruction? There is one indicator that the quakes might be manmade, and it has to do with the adoption of an economic policy that is contrary to United States economic dominance. I’ll look at this tonight (Thursday) on Opposing The Matrix. Show starts at 3PM Pacific Time.

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