How Vulnerable Leadership Creates a Ripple Effect on Teams

9 months ago

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Embracing your authentic self might just be the boldest leadership move you will ever make.

Vulnerability is not a leadership flaw. In fact, according to Tooey Courtemanche, CEO at Procore Technologies, vulnerability in leadership sets off a positive chain reaction.

When leaders show vulnerability by admitting they don't have all the answers, it fosters an environment of curiosity and inquiry. This culture of openness then propels business innovation and growth.

Moreover, vulnerability strengthens team trust and attracts individuals seeking genuine interaction, resulting in a more united and collaborative team.

One act of vulnerability can cascade into numerous positive outcomes for an organization.

Tooey Courtemanche is one of the 100+ CEOs I interviewed for my new book, Leading With Vulnerability which is coming out in October:

#LeadingWithVulnerability #leadership #EmbracingVulnerability #innovation #growth


Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and futurist. He explores how the world of work is changing, what the future of work is going to look like, and we need to do to prepare. To work with Jacob or have him speak at your event visit

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