"Representative Democracy" What is it? A Simple Explanation

1 year ago

representative democracy, representative Governmant, types of democracy

A representative democracy is a way of running a country where the citizens don't make all the decisions directly themselves. Instead, they choose people to make decisions for them. These chosen people are called "representatives."

Imagine you and a bunch of your friends have to decide what game to play. Instead of everyone shouting out their favorite game at the same time, you decide to choose one friend to be in charge of picking. This friend will listen to what everyone wants and then make the final decision.

In a representative democracy, it's like that, but on a much bigger scale. Instead of picking games, you're making decisions about how the country should be run. The representatives are like your friends who make decisions for you, but you get to choose who those representatives are by voting.

So, in a nutshell, a representative democracy is a system where regular people choose other people to make important decisions for them in the best interest of everyone in the country. It's like having someone to speak and make choices on your behalf.

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