Ignite Your Soul - Are you flowing or bushwacking your way to happiness?

10 months ago

Join me on this week's show where our guest host Linda Ingalls will walk us through how to flow to happiness. Linda is a retired Intensive Care RN and during her work as a RN, she realized she could speak with the patient's spirits. She is a Certified Atmi Buti Tibetan Sound Healing Practitioner, Berkeley Psychic Institute graduate, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner; Healing Touch (level IV); Reiki (level 3); Speaker; Teacher; and Author. Linda lives in Sedona where she offers a fusion of sound healing protocols and Soul reading/healing, Intuitive Counseling/Spiritual Guidance, and Self-Empowerment Tools.

Linda Ingall's can be reached at www.lindaingalls.com

Donna Kendall can be reached at www.donnamkendall.com

#igniteyoursoul #transformation #soundhealing #rewiredcreator

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