The Three Loves in The Holy Land (The Holy Land Vlogs Day 2)

1 year ago

"The priest assisting these couples said something that caught my attention. He’s a canon lawyer, specializing in annulments. He told us that in all his years of practicing canon law, he has never met a couple seeking annulment who prayed together every day. That act of prayer is an appeal to a higher power. It is the acknowledgment that the man and woman are powerless at satisfying every one of their desires. That role is God’s alone. And the recognition of mutual weakness in the face of God, seemingly ironically, is what binds these couples together.

This is another type of love that has been compromised by the modern world. Not only are we taught to pursue pleasure over fulfillment, but we are taught that this is the end goal. Love for others has become transactional and utilitarian. Sex has been degraded from a creative activity, one that mirrors God’s creativity, into one that is done for individual pleasure. Furthermore, the notion that your significant other ought to fulfill every one of your desires leads to an idolatry that is bound to fail."

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