Illegal immigration in Ohio and the door-to-door campaign against the November abortion ballot issue

1 year ago

State Rep. Scott Wiggam addresses the illegal immigration problem in Ohio.

An illegal immigrant who did not have a valid driver license was the cause of an accident with a school bus in Springfield, Ohio, that resulted in the fatality of an 11-year-old student and many injuries for other students when the bus overturned. State Rep. Scott Wiggam sounds the alarm and is drafting legislation to address the problems with illegal immigrants pouring into Ohio.

Part 2 Seth Drayer of Created Equal describes the grassroots door-to-door and phone bank effort to defeat the November radical abortion ballot issue. The November Issue 1 ballot issue would legalize abortion to the 9th month of pregnancy and strike from the books all of Ohio's reasonable pro-life laws, including parental rights. Seth describes the deceptive nature of the abortion ballot language and urges Ohioans to beware and VOTE NO in NOVEMBER. To sign up for the door-to-door or phone bank effort, click on this link.

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