Liberty Without Faith Is Dead

1 year ago

John Adams once said that “our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”

Like so many of the Framers and Founders, he had a deep level of understanding that seems to have been lost today. So what exactly was John Adams’ meaning?

The answer may come from a story related to us from the Midrash, when a famous Rabbi sent two of his disciples to a nearby town to inspect things. When they arrived, the asked the city leaders to show them the Guardians of their city.

The Rabbis were shown the Soldiers who guarded and policed the town.

“These are not the guardians of your city,” exclaimed Rabbi Asi, “These are the destroyers of your city.”

Before you get all “Defund the police” on me, you need to understand the deeper meaning of what the Rabbis meant.

Which, by the by, was the same thig that John Adams meant…

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