Impeachment Porn

10 months ago

As a general rule, I oppose the impeachment of elected officials (appointed officials are a different matter). The recent conventional thinking is that – in general – it’s a waste of time as neither side has the actual votes to impeach a given President. That did not stop Trump from being twice impeached, but, and I think that this is important, those were political moves that were less about Trump than they were about control of the House and Senate.

When debating the Presidency during the Philadelphia Convention, there were two main points of consideration. First, HOW to elect the President? And while those discussions could occupy us for many hours, of equal if not quite as debated issue was how to get rid of a President that was not up to standards?

Benjamin Franklin suggested that there were really only two options, first and easiest, was simply to assassinate a bad leader. But that comes with other obvious issues. So another method was needed, and borrowing from the British legal system, impeachment was adopted. What wasn’t done was adding a specific definition as exactly what “high crimes and misdemeanors” actually means?

It’s kinda like porn. Nobody can actually define it, but we all know it when we see it…

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