Monomaniacal Fervor

9 months ago

Every now and then, I have one of those… moments when I think to myself, “Is that really what I mean when I say that thing?

Many anthropologists and archeologists bemoan the fact that we have little understanding of the Yucatan peoples of the pre Columbus era. But you almost never hear a discussion of WHY we lack that understanding. As it turned out, the Mayans were quite literate and wrote down much of their history and theology in various forms.

But… as you know… people with a different god and a different belief system came to the Yucatan in the 16th Century.

And, on July 12, 1562, an man with what was called, monomaniacal fervor, destroyed a almost all of the history and religion of the Mayan people.

Are there lessons from that incident for today? Of course there are. But how do we have that discussion in a way that doesn’t spend ,st of the time in criticism and complaint rather than application for today and tomorrow?

My original thoughts for the day were far too much of the former and almost none of the latter. So I shelved it and went full Buffalo Alice 314 on myself…

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