Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Theory |

1 year ago

In this episode Joel and Antonia walk through Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory showing how we can use this framework for compassion, understanding and better learning.

In this podcast on Multiple Intelligence Theory you’ll find:
Everyone has some genius inside of them and it’s manifested in different ways.
Howard Gardner is an American developmental psychologist who developed the concept of multiple intelligence.
We’re facing the need to bridge very different levels of development in the planet in order to find ways in which we’re similar to each other.
The more we understand our differences, the more we can give each other space.
When it comes to intelligence, IQ is the standard to most people. That the only form of intelligence is its analytical form.
As people, we have different types of intelligence.
When we ignore the many different ways genius can show up, we end up downplaying someone else’s abilities.
The goal is to understand and accept each other’s geniuses so we know where and what place in society each of us best fit.
Gardner’s Intelligences (random order)
Verbal/Linguistic. Being able to speak and write well. Learn other languages apart from the first language. These are people who are in good in writing, story-telling and writing books.
Mathematical/Logical. People who are great in problem-solving and analysis. Also associated with “fluid intelligence”, the ability to solve problems that are independent of acquired knowledge.
Musical. People who are musically genius. Music is like math. It is a way to connect and communicate abstract language.
Visual-Spatial. People with this intelligence generally think in pictures, rather than in words. They can problem solve when things are concrete.
Body-Kinesthetic. Being in full command of your body, being very aware in your physicality.
Interpersonal. People with this intelligence know how to organize and motivate people in harmony. This is where persuasion comes from.
Intrapersonal/Introspection. The ability to be self-reflective and spend time meditating, going inside your heart and mind.
Naturalist. Has great understanding and compassion with the natural world. This is the seed of ecology, understanding the interplay of the natural world and humanity.
Existential. Understanding the higher spiritual elements of life. People with this type of intelligence are able to help humanity go along well with each other.
Have a look at your family and friends and start being aware at what their intelligence is individually.
A few people can emanate multiple forms of intelligence. There are those who are inclined to a single intelligence type, but that does not mean that you totally neglect the rest. For example, if you are not Body-Kinesthetically inclined, that doesn’t mean that you don’t exercise anymore or go to the gym.
Being able to see some weaknesses doesn’t mean that you can completely ignore it.
Myer’s Briggs & Multiple intelligence association:
Sensor-Perceivers – Body-Kinesthetic
Feeler-Perceivers – Intrapersonal
Extraverted-Feelers – Interpersonal
Thinker-Perceivers – Mathematical/Logical, Verbal
Intuitive-Judgers – Existential
Feeler-Perceivers/Judgers – Naturalistic
Sensor-Judgers – Spatial

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