"Dynamic Independence" podcast with CTTM's Melissa as guest - Sept. 13, 2023

10 months ago

What Were You Doing September 11, 2021? - U.S. in Afghanistan, Guarding the Poppy Fields - General Wesley Clark, List of Countries to Take Out, PNAC - William "Bill" Cooper Predicted 9/11 - Socialism's Use of Fear - Patriot Act, Omnibus Crime Bills - Technology - Swine Flu, Vaccines - Scanners Ready to Go Immediately After 9/11 - Covid Vaccine Passports - Social Distancing Markers - Darin from South Africa, the Biochemistry of Group Adaptation, Group Dynamics, Compliance, Conformity - Scientism - Mass Formation Psychosis, Free Will - Scientific Indoctrination - It is the Individual Who Must Break Through to Reality - Genuine Communication vs. Going Through the Polite Motions - Alan Watt - Maurice Strong.

Dynamic Independence podcasts

Cutting Through the Matrix

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