Did you know Apostle Paul said in the last days people would lovers of self and Narcissistic

10 months ago

When the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:2 that people in the last days would be "lovers of self," he was describing a negative character trait associated with extreme self-centeredness and selfishness. In this context, "lovers of self" means that individuals would prioritize their own desires, needs, and interests above all else, often at the expense of others and to the detriment of society.
This characteristic implies a preoccupation with oneself, a lack of empathy for others, and a disregard for moral or ethical considerations when one's own self-interest is at stake. People who are "lovers of self" are primarily concerned with their own well-being, pleasure, and personal gain, and they may be willing to manipulate or exploit others to achieve their goals.
Paul's warning in 2 Timothy 3:2 is a caution against self-centeredness and a reminder to Christians to cultivate virtues such as selflessness, humility, and love for others. It's part of his broader message about the moral decline and challenges that would be prevalent in the last days, urging believers to maintain their faith and resist the negative influences of such self-centered behavior.

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