#Masterclasses and #Masterminds

9 months ago

#Masterclasses and #Masterminds

51 users needed to attend #Masterclasses and #Masterminds.

The NG mastermind is designed support all our members in identifying their LIFE PURPOSE while providing our members with a step by step method to accomplish that objective. This SELF MASTERY Mastermind journey will include identifying goals, personal development, learning to overcoming adversity, developing effective fulfilling relationships, shifting ones mindset to abundance, and attaining freedom both in terms of time and money by APPLYING timeless methods of success. THIS ENTIRE APPLICATION IS A TOOL TO REACH THAT END. Please watch this video, review our mission statement below, and download our "7 Step Mastermind Manifesto". Bottom-line: The NG mastermind is going to challenge you to learn, grow and live an amazing life, IF AND ONLY IF YOUR WILLING TO COMMIT TO THE SELF-MASTERY.
#online #event #presentation

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