22 Years On ... (With Soundtrack Added to Voice)

10 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] - (Voice & Music Version)
22 Years On …. A creation written today for the day that is in it … the 22nd anniversary of 9/11/2001. Much respect and love to all directly impacted by the event and to the collective. This piece looks at the event from the perspective of how it may have served ‘a new world order agenda’ in the manipulation of humanity. It takes an ‘outsider’ view and briefly references some of the questions and awareness’s which do not ‘add up’. Doing your own in depth research on the subject is a must.
This is a piece about collective grieving and consciousness and while it raises questions, it only does so in seeking to support awareness and healing.

Over 3,060 souls lost their lives, most of them in New York, with an unknown number suffering injury and subsequent ill-health, both physical and mental. This does not take into account the many other casualties arising in the aftermath or in the subsequent ‘war of terror’.

Within the video, I have chosen to display flags of the countries who lost citizens, due to this event, both on the day and subsequently (as many as I could include). While I considered using a sound track which would comprise parts of various countries national anthems and also Michael Jackson’s song ‘Heal the World’, time constraints curtailed this ‘mixing’ desire and I have left it as voice only, for now at least. This version has the completed sound track now included.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

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Many thanks,


Poem Wording:-

22 Years On …

It is today, twenty two years.
AmBUSH’ed, then and since,
throughout those years.

Not just an attack, on American soil …
but a set-up for ‘the system’,
to further human’s embroil.

The shame. The waste.
The lies and their distaste.

Humanity is being disgraced.
‘Normal’ erased.
With psychotic haste.

Lives taken in pursuit of greed.
Murdered. Without care.
Unconscionable, but with ease.

‘Terrorists’ indeed …
No, just ‘bad seed’.

Let’s revisit the scene.
It was an elaborate and vile crime.
Designed to instil, both fear and hate.

To lay blame, on an ‘innocent’ other …
long suffering now … our sisters and brothers.
and to cause us, to ‘toe the line’.

‘Effing’ swine.

The grief.
The loss.
The horror.
The pain.
Not just then … but still.

It shall not be in vain.

And all the heartache,
that continues to remain.
Ill-health, suicide and it’s
unimaginable mental pain.
Who can tolerate the idea of democide?

When we revisit, we see the ‘scheme’;
and how ‘they’ don’t care;
how ‘they’, fulfil their evil wicked dreams.

Look again at the information.
Reflect back on that time.
Regarding those, ‘tower’ moments …

It was an internal explosion, with delayed CGI.
Announced and reported Internationally,
even before seen by the eye?
You know, buildings don’t
just flop and drop.

The ‘missing’.
The ‘unaccounted’.
The brave hearts that died,
trying to help out in it.

Then and subsequent pResidents
B.C.O … aware and secretly ‘proud’ of it.
A ‘bush club op …
see ‘Skull and Bones’.

Today 22 years on …
I say another prayer, for those ‘grieving’ and ‘gone’ …
I did not know them, but
“please God, keep their loved one’s strong”.

I lost a beautiful cousin,
who ‘knew’ the fray of that day …
and perceiving it’s truth,
lived with torment and dismay.
Until he sadly decided he
could no longer bear it ..
and made himself pass away.

If not for it’s torment, we know
he would be happy to have stayed.
For ‘Farrell’ and all others …
impacted and grieving,
I today again pray,
and know … accountability …
is on its way.

We will eventually heal,
from these bereavements.
When we see the nature, of what
‘they’ consider, as achievements.

No matter what your creed,
we can together pray ‘He’ intercede …
for the justice we all need.

11th September 2023
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

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