Arabs Wanted Independence

1 year ago

With the Arab states committed on the Crown's side in the battle against Germany's ally, Turkey, the way was being prepared for an event of immense historical importance: the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine.
Despite the promises of independence and freedom is given to all Arabs (including Palestinians) by the British authorities, move were underway to betray the Arabs.

As Jewish historian Alfred Lilienthal points out: 'Had the Arabs been aware of secret diplomatic agreements then being negotiated, it highly unlikely that any revolt would have taken place.' Meanwhile, through the realization of their demands for unlimited immigration into Palestine, the Zionists hoped eventually to become a majority in Palestine.

'For the next twenty-five years of the Zionist movement dedicated itself to the practical aspects of buying land, establishing schools, and building up its position in Palestine rather than achieving the creation of a political entity"

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