Bull Elk Bugling in Fields Beside Compound - Noisy but Awesome Night Neighbor

1 year ago

Good to hear. Not a hunter myself (not against it if really need to, however. But against trophy hunting.) and good to hear after the dubious luck of being on the road a few days ago and seeing a large bull but jammed in the back of an out-of-state pickup truck. But they didn't get this guy ... no thanks to coming down to the sitting-duck alfalfa fields along the only road in the valley. Archery season now through mid-October then on the 21st general season opens. Since property flanks Custer National Forest, it kind of goes with the territory but keep no hunting on my chunk ... just a quarter-mile strip between many miles on either side without fences (at least in bottom land still in private hands; CNF flanking rising lands on both sides).
Evening walk up to road then over to CNF border and back delayed until true dark for all intents and purposes (could still see paths). Takes about 40 minutes at least. Heard bugles on start and kept up throughout walk. Est. a thousand yards away. Distance, wind, etc was an issue and not completely pleased with catching the sounds ... until the final stretch along the creek then up on the farm main compound. Elevated above and closer for worthwhile audio ... wonderful and eerie!
Happy to catch. Yet he kept it up, loud and clear for more if I wanted, for at least another 20 minutes straight as I wrapped up chores ... with plenty of yard lights that had to be visible to 'em out there. Shrug. Tis the season but having the opportunity to hear that instead of a lifetime of barking dogs, lawnmowers and constant background traffic makes it all worthwhile.

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