Nahum: God's Vengeance on Your Enemies

1 year ago

In the book of Jonah, God calls Jonah to preach judgement on the capital city of Assyria, Nineveh, and call them to repentance. When he does, the entire city - from the live stock all the way up to the king - repents and asks God for forgiveness. God does forgive them and relents of the disaster He was going to bring upon them. The book of Nahum is the sequel to the book of Jonah. In it, we see that Nineveh's - and the whole county of Assyria's - repentance was short-lived. Just 14 years later, they are doing unspeakable evil against Israel and Judah. Nahum comforts the southern nation of Judah that God will have vengeance on their enemies! And the same is true for us!

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