⛔️The Petrodollar and Regime Change....

10 months ago

General Wesley Clark explains how The American Government already had planned to attack 7 countries in 5 years long before the “attacks” on 9/11…
As documented in A Project for a New American Century written September 2000, the founding members include;
Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Paul Wolfawitz
Richard Pearl
And John Bolton
This planned agenda to attack 7 countries in 5 years received no pushback from either side of the political spectrum, all 7 countries opposed the American Petrodollar which trades oil through American currency to foreign nations, after 911 all 7 countries were invaded
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About the photo:
The basic principle is this: Molecules have a positive and negative negative magnetic side. Normal electrolysis can use the magnetic principles of water to rip it apart, but it uses a ton of energy.
If the exact resonant frequency of the water is used, along with special circuitry that multiplies the voltage, while reducing the amperage to as little as possible, the resonant frequency will cause the water molecule to temporary "elongate".
A normal oxygen molecule has 6 electrons, but can hold up to 8 in it's stable state. That makes it accept the 2 electrons of the hydrogen atoms. When the water molecule elongates, it allows the hydrogen atoms to be separated from the oxygen atom very easily. In turn, this produces "hydroxy gas", called "Brown's Gas" or "HHO", which are basically forms of hydrogen and oxygen.
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