Vincent van Hessen - Traveling

7 years ago

This is a piece of improvised music, which is an ode for my Traveling. As a musician around the globe.
"Traveling " which had the work title of : 'Memorial Sunday',
was recorded on Memorial e,g, commemoration Day in the Netherlands in May of 2003.
A straight forward guitar improvisation over a one chord funk riff in Gm. over a swiftly made drum loop.
Performed with a Fender Stratocaster, through a Roland GR - 33 MIDI guitar synthesizer, which was digitally connected to a Roland MC-505 which equally provided the digital drum-loop.
Roland GK-3 pickup was set into Mix mode, so one can hear both guitar and synthesized guitar lines. combined.
LaGuz productions AKA Geert Albarda is featured here performing various melodic lines on a simple KORG X3 keyboard.
I have been hawking this piece of music around for years,
but it just couldn't be released on an ordinary CD which I had released in the course of the years, as it was musically totally irrelevant to all projects I've ever undertaken.
A few years ago I bought a Sony Xperia Android, and began filming scenes I considered to be pretty in short video formats.
Before long I realized this old piece of music was playing more frequently in my head every time I would look at one of my videos, on my Android and decided to combine both: various videos and Memorial Sunday, to create this 'Traveling' music video.
With the great aid of Andres Gomez Lencina, both music and videos were edited into a coherent whole, which can hopefully be seen as a snapshot in my YouTube channel album. leaving preferably a just and warm memory. A video of which 90% of the scenes are in motion.
Videos seen in this clip were shot in:
Wisconsin Dork County USA. New York City USA, Koh Phi Phi Thailand, Koh Pha Yam Thailand, Pai Thailand, Bangkok Thailand, Singapore, Niagara Falls NY, USA. and Rovinj Croatia, between 2014 and 2017 all videos were shot while on tour, mostly in motion, so as to the give them all a common ground. sort of.
The various flight shots between A and B were shot in mid-air..
The various boat fare videos were shot mostly in Thailand. sailing across the blue blue Andaman sea.

Special Thanks to David Monypenny who helped patiently to film and direct my poor acting in some of the videos in the heat of the jungle sun,
in Koh Phi Phi Thailand. (April 2016).

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