2023 09 13 GenEdWed

1 year ago

General Education Wednesday!
Presentation: https://hidrive.ionos.com/lnk/RkxEND3k
General Studies focus on American History, and how U.S. History is Not the same.

***Note: Not for Personal Remedies. For Declared Indiana State Nationals and State Citizens Only-Verification Required. Email your Assembly, Militia-Peacekeeping, and Jural Assembly building questions to Joe to answer live on the call at pktfexecutivedirector2022@mail.americanstatenationals.us

Like & Share! Subscribe for Notifications. Subscribe to Comment! Do you Really want to be considered a US Citizen/US CITIZEN, or do you feel that you are an American? Do you Know that these states are NOT the same? The LIE is within the interchangeability in usage. Why should I correct my status? https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/why-should-i-correct-my-status/ Walking through your F.E.A.R. https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/walking-through-your-f-e-a-r/

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