Great Dane Devours Giant Cucumber In Daily Garden Raid

1 year ago

Raven is a gigantic Great Dane who lives an ideal life in country home. She has the full run of a 3 acre property and she is taken for daily hikes in a nearby forest where she runs off-leash, following the scent of turkeys, deer, and other forest creatures. She comes home exhausted from her adventures and dreams happily on the couch after each excursion.
Raven has a very unusual reason to be excited when she wakes up each morning. When the door opens, Raven has one thing on her mind. She runs straight to the vegetable garden and finds herself a cucumber. She pulls it off the vine and carries it off into the long grass where she devours it in seconds. She seems to worry that her owners might take it away from her and she tries to find a spot where she is out of sight. But even long grass will not hide a dog the size of Raven. She seems proud that she has her treat and she wags her tail happily when she is "discovered" by her human.
Raven is a fan of many unusual treats and she raids a different part of the vegetable patch each day, depending on her mood. She was once see carrying a giant watermelon out of the greenhouse. She's been discovered with a cantaloupe in her huge jaws. And she's been caught digging for potatoes and carrots too. She has eaten a good portion of the sweet peppers and even some of the pole beans. Her owners are always happy to see her eating healthy and there is more than enough extra produce to share with a dog as wonderful as Raven. They do not plant corn, however, as Raven likes it so much that her people will not see any of it reaching their table.
It's lucky for Raven that the garden is as big as it is. She never gets in trouble for helping with the harvest and in return, the rabbits and raccoons don't seem to come around like they do with the neighbours!

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