The Voice Yes Campaign Is Done

1 year ago

“Stupidity”, “base racism”, are just some of the words prominent Aboriginal leader and Yes campaigner Marcia Langton has used to describe the No campaign and its supporters. She appeared on stage at a forum in Bunbury, Western Australia with Labor state MP Don Punch when she decided to attack everyday Australians. A video of the event was posted on Mr Punch’s Facebook page, but perhaps unsurprisingly, the video seems to have gone missing. But this is the internet, and nothing goes missing. So now I will play you those fateful words spoken by Ms. Langton.

“Every time the No case raises one of their arguments, if you start pulling it apart, you get down to base racism. I’m sorry to say it, but that’s where it lands. Or, just sheer stupidity.”

Despite saying it and despite being caught on camera saying it, she denies calling No voters racist. She has since stated, “I’m saying the claims being made by the no case are based in racism and stupidity – and appeal to racism and stupidity. And they are appealing to Australians to frighten them into adopting highly racist and stupid beliefs. I did not say what the Australian and the Bunbury Herald are reporting. The media reporting is a very deliberate tactic to make me look like a racist when I’m not. I am not a racist, and I don’t believe that the majority of Australians are racist. I do believe that the no campaigners are using racist tactics.”

During Question Time in parliament on Monday, shortly after the Bunbury Herald article’s publication, deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley commented, “We saw Marcia Langton label those advocating a No position as either ‘racist’ or ‘stupid’. Now this is a window into the psyche of the Yes campaign and it’s a window into the psyche of a modern Labor Party. They refuse to accept that everyday Australians do not like what they see when it comes to the Voice. This is the Yes campaign’s ‘deplorables’ moment and it’s really disappointing because we want a fair and honest debate.”

If you’re unaware, “deplorables” is in reference to a comment Hillary Clinton made regarding Donald Trump supporters when speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on 9 September 2016. She said, “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

If you remember, Donald Trump went on to win that election. The “deplorables” came out in force.

The deputy Liberal leader went on to ask, “Will the Minister for Indigenous Australians condemn Professor Langton's comments?” Ms. Linda Burney responded with a general comment calling for respect in the referendum campaign and didn’t really answer the original question, but what’s new?

Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton called on the Prime Minister to cancel the referendum, because no matter the result, it’s only dividing Australians. I agree in part with Mr Dutton. The referendum is dividing Australians, but I think we have to go through with it. According to the AEC, the writ has been issued, so it’s going to happen no matter what.

Polls are showing that the Yes vote has slid considerably, and there’s almost no chance of it winning. It would be some sort of miracle if it did win. The No vote is ahead in every state except Tasmania, which is funny, because it’s the only state in Australia that isn’t ruled by the Labor Party. One would expect the opposite. This just goes to show us that even Labor voters aren’t fully onboard with the Yes campaign.

As I said, we need this referendum to go ahead, because when it loses, it’ll show the current government and the activists that Australians do not want this. If it loses significantly, it will tell future governments that this is not on. Australians are not willing to accept a change to our constitution that will divide us up along ethnic or racial lines. The constitution should be colourblind. The Yes voters may have good intentions, but by the looks of it, the Yes campaign is done.




Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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