I adore the boyfriend of my best friend.

10 months ago

I adore the boyfriend of my best friend.

Hi, my name’s Tiffany and something really awkward happened to me recently. But before I go into that, I just want to tell you about my best friend. Her name’s Bianca and she’s the greatest! She’s cool and funny and pretty and such a nice person, which kinda makes my story even worse, because I’m the bad guy here.
Bianca and I met when we were in first grade, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We do everything together! We cycle to school together, we eat lunch together, we have sleepovers every weekend and we even go on vacation together. Her family is like my second family. One day though, everything changed.
I’ve always been in the drama club. I love acting! I invited Bianca to the opening night of our latest play, and even got her a front row seat! I was just in the chorus, but she was my best friend so she always came to cheer me on. After the show we had a little party to celebrate, and I asked Bianca to come along too. I introduced her to everyone as my best friend and soon everyone was adding her as a friend on social media and it made me so happy to see how easily she got along with my drama friends. I was excited because I even introduced her to my crush, but I hadn’t told her yet. I thought he might have liked me too because he always walked me to my bicycle after rehearsals. I decided I would tell her which one my crush was the next day. However, I didn’t get a chance.

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