Cleaning and Organizing an Abandoned Hoarder House: I CLEANED A ROOM IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE

1 year ago

In this video, I take on the cleaning and organizing challenge of cleaning and organizing an abandoned house. This is a somewhat extreme and dangerous task, but I'm armed with the latest in cleaning and safety gear, and I manage to clean and organize an entire room in just a few hours!

If you're curious about the world of urban exploration and freaktography, then this is the video for you. In this video, I take on the challenging and exciting task of cleaning and organizing an abandoned house. This is a highly dangerous and sometimes disgusting activity, but I manage to complete the task successfully in just a few hours.


Cleaning up the piano room in the Abandoned Hoarder House!

This is something I have wanted to do for many years but I had never found the right room to do it in - until now!

So, after I completed my explore, posted my video, my pics and my site gallery and made this one known to you, I wanted a few days and went back to do the deed.

I figured it was probably going to take me 2 or 3 visits to do, I arrived with a bunch of garbage bags, rags, cleaner, a respirator and gloves and got right to work.

After about 4 hours of constant stuffing things in garbage gags and tossing everything into another room, I was pretty much done.

It kills me that I was not able to vacuum or clean the floor better and I really wanted to hang pictures back on the wall but there were no nails in the walls and I didn't come equipped for that.

So, now we have an abandoned hoarder house, with every room packed with trash and one really nice-looking room!

See the original video here:

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