ALONE! - Abandoned Wigamog Resort Over Night Sleepover and Urban Exploration

1 year ago

I was advised by multiple people yesterday that demolition has finally started on the old Wigamog Inn in Haliburton, Ontario on Lake Kashagawigamog.

Demolition should be complete within 6 weeks.

While I never went here when it was active, I did enjoy a nice unauthorized quiet night alone on a cold winters night a few years back.

Armed with pillows, a sleeping bag, a 6 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a Little Caesars Hot & Ready pizza and my camera gear I slipped in one night. I headed up to the master suite, which at the time was the only clean and undisturbed room, and enjoyed a night all alone after a long day of exploring and driving.

In the morning, I woke up, packed up and then did a complete exploration of the building!

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