My first game-breaking bug [Starfield]

1 year ago

Note: audio has been removed, as this came from a Twitch stream, and long streams from my Xbox tend to result in trashed audio. Trust me, your ears will thank me for not including it. Also, I trimmed most of the loading screens. The Series X is fast, but not *that* fast. ;)

Landing on a planet, the camera appeared to be "stuck" under my feet. I tried fast-travelling to my ship and launching into space to see if it would correct itself. It didn't. Rebooting the game didn't help, as the bug appeared to have been included in the save file. Trying to land back on the planet crashed the game.

I was able to revert to a save from before the glitch, which fortunately only caused me to replay a couple of dialog scenes before getting back to where I left off.

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