Adorable Baby Is A Great Fan Of Beyoncé's Single Ladies

7 years ago

You don’t have to be an adult to know that Beyoncé is queen! Her songs speak to us all; it is as if she has entered in every one of our minds, read our thoughts and turned them into Grammy award winning singles and millions of dollars in revenues. Does that count as plagiarism?

Anyway, this baby girl is proof that age isn’t prerogative to know what is best in the world! This toddler isn’t even two years old and she already lights up whenever her parents play “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé on the car radio!

Just watch that adorable face! Her parents play some silly kiddie music and she knows that is not what she needs! Why do they taunt her with this meaningless noise? Why do they make her listen to this pointless babble? They know what she wants and she wants it now!

The adorable toddler complain all the way until she hears the first note of her favorite tune and she immediately changes her expression! The connoisseur of good music starts dancing in her baby car seat, jamming to the beats of Queen Bee! Even when mom stops the music, she knows she is playing with her, so starts complaining! You don’t take Beyoncé away from this baby, not ever!

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