Dr. Risch and dr. Makis condemn corruption, government incompetence, lies, manipulation

9 months ago

We should distrust:

- Pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna
- Government ‘health’ agencies (such as CDC, FDA, Health Canada)
- Medical journals who have almost all yielded to their pharmaceutical sponsors and away from Truth and the scientific method
- Mainstream media
- Politicians

Government ‘health’ agencies are led by dogmatic cult members (who have for instance decreed in 1986 that nothing negative shall ever be said about vaccines) and people who prioritize financial, political, and face saving goals over public health.

The mainstream media are not the in the business of unbiased news reporting, but in the manipulation business achieved by spreading propaganda.

It is crucial to understand that sponsoring serves way more than merely getting advertising space. It also buys the essential privilege of censoring inconvenient messages. In the case of medical journals, sponsors buy the right to have almost full control over the article and are able to block inconvenient articles from publication.

Officials seem to have no reluctance to blatant lies. They seem to have no loyalty whatsoever to the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Instead, they only have loyalty to their agenda which is NOT primarily based on true public health.

‘Health’ agencies had no problem claiming without any adequate scientific proof that face masks, social distancing, mass testing, etc. all worked wonders.

At the same time, they also claimed that vitamin D and early treatment is useless.

Perhaps one of the worst things is that no one has been held accountable: no one has been fired, no one has gone to jail.

Also, although the pathological liars and manipulators have lost significant public trust, they still seem to have the trust of the majority of the population.

If governments try to mandate or nudge unnecessary, ineffective, harmful measures, it will be interesting to see which part of the population will comply again just like they did 3 years ago.

SOURCE: https://www.americaoutloud.news/turbo-cancers-other-new-diseases-in-the-covid-vaccine-era/

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