How the U.S. is preparing for conflict in Asia

1 year ago

Video: How the U.S. is preparing for conflict in Asia: Hynes 海因斯:美國如何為亞洲衝突做準備

The U.S, is building power by creating a dense network of military alliances among Asian countries, says Phill Hynes, a top geopolitical analyst based in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, here's the answer to the puzzle of why the media tells Australians that an invasion is imminent, but their submarines won't be ready until the 2040s. 香港頂級地緣政治分析師菲爾·海因斯表示,美國正在通過在亞洲國家之間建立密集的軍事聯盟網絡來增強實力。 與此同時,為什麼媒體告訴澳大利亞人入侵迫在眉睫,但他們的潛艇要到 2040 年代才能準備好,這就是謎題的答案.

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