Beef shawarma is tastier than any restaurant.It is melting like butter,prepared from any cut of meat

10 months ago

Beef shawarma is tastier than any restaurant. It is melting like butter, prepared from any cut of meat
the components
1 kilo of meat
A quarter cup of oil
2 tablespoons yogurt
1 grated onion, whose juice is taken only
1 teaspoon tomato paste
1 teaspoon pepper paste
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon oregano

1 tablespoon ghee
Half a cup of water

Instant pickle ingredients
2 sliced cucumbers
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
A quarter cup of vinegar
Boiling water

salad Components
1 sliced onion
Half a cup of parsley
1 tomato
A pinch of sumac
A pinch of salt

Tahini sauce ingredients
A cup but a quarter of tahini
Half a cup of yogurt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Hot sauce
Water for dilution

Marinate the meat in the marinade for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight
We cook it after adding water on low heat for 35 minutes and serve ✌🏻

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