9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 38 - "ILLUSIONS" - September 13th 2023

9 months ago

This isn't your typical 9/11 Video by me. It has a lot to do with the deception by the media to con people into taking the vaccines and the resultant deaths and injuries. How the vaccine was completely ineffective. Don't trust your government. They are LIARS! They are rolling out "Plandemic" #2... DO NOT FALL FOR IT. There is a piece on DEEP FAKES... we are in some serious deep waters now!!! I include the segment about my revelation on September 11th, and I also included the Flat Earth piece. I talk about waking people up with a plan. And a Doug Michael episode called "AMERICAN INVASION" set's the stage for where we are now... a total mess. Come on guys, you have to spread the message around. WE gotta wake up together all at once. The bad guys have nothing to stand on... their shit is gonna fall... come crashing down, if only u would heed the call. The Masonic designs have solidified in my mind that Jesus was their creation, as much as Lucifer. We live in a dualistic paradigm... there is SO MUCH MORE! It's not Black and White... there are a million shades of grey! I think Jesus is great. The idea of him, what he said, miracles aside. He's a seed that grew in your minds. He's told you that you are the temple. The universe resides in YOU. There is so much to wake up to!

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