Xi will weaponize the CCP's economic collapse to execute his de-dollarization plan.

1 year ago

9/11/2023 【Roy on @SteveGruber Show】Roy Guo: Everyone needs to shift their mistaken views about Xi Jinping. Xi would weaponize the CCP's economic collapse to execute his de-dollarization plan. Xi Jinping personally stated during an internal PLA meeting that the CCP's military must not take the COVID vaccines.
#bioweaponslab #unrestrictedwarfare #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/11/2023 【罗伊做客史蒂夫·格鲁伯节目】罗伊:大家要改变对习死皇错误的想法。习死皇会将中共的经济崩溃武器化,来实施其去美元化的计划。习死皇曾在解放军内部的一次会议上亲自说中共军队不准打疫苗。
#生物武器实验室 #超限战 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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