Labour to Win Starmer stans drive out elected Hackney officers!

9 months ago

Safeguarding concerns or a set up to take down Diane Abbott? Either way Starmer & Co have taken over in Hackney.
Right, so the ongoing goings on with Hackney Labour that I’ve covered in a couple of vids now have been significantly problematic for Starmer’s Labour and it would seem his answer to that is to effectively seize control. Regular viewers will recall that I covered the story of Thomas Dewey, the Labour councillor permitted to stand for Labour for Hackney Borough Council, despite already being under investigation for possession and manufacture of indecent images of children. He was sentenced recently, a slapped wrist sentence we were largely disgusted by this. Then news broke that Hackney Mayor Philip Glanville had been suspended by the Labour Party after a photo appeared, showing him socialising with Dewey at a Eurovision Party earlier this year. Glanville was socialising with someone later convicted of possession of indecent images, it raised the hypocrisy going on in the party leadership because of course, Starmer’s close advisor is the very good friend of convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Peter Mandelson. Presumably Glanville is disposable collateral damage, but don’t mention Mandy. At any rate, things have gotten even worse in Hackney Labour as now the entire elected and notably left wing, executive committee of Hackney Labour has been entirely deposed and wiped out by Labour Party staffers. Why you might ask. Well, they’d been blowing the whistle on Dewey, who was part of the right wing Labour to Win faction of the Labour Party, the faction headed up by the eternally odious Luke Akehurst, who’s day job is shilling for the apartheid state of Israel. Well the left was blowing the whistle on Dewey, they were expressing significant safeguarding issues in relation to this and in the last several days have been demanding Philip Glanville quit as mayor, instead of temporarily stepping aside as he has done. There’s no mayoral election here until 2026, so even if Labour expel him he could remain in place as an independent. It’s not just the Labour left demanding Glanville go, up to 50 Hackney residents protested at the town hall this week demanding he go as well and the Hackney Greens have tabled a motion of no confidence. The argument by the Hackney Labour left though is that safeguarding should supercede politics. This is true, who can argue that? Well evidently the Labour right can. As I said at the start, the entire elected left wing executive of Hackney Labour have been ditched in a show that can only be described as authoritarian and dictatorial, because they’ve been replaced by a load of unelected Labour right wingers, imposed in Hackney. I’ve covered numerous examples of right wingers abusing democratic structures their way, but here, democracy just go binned, they’ve been installed completely undemocratically, but even worse than that, all the people installed are also from Labour to Win.


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