Serious health consequences eating nuclear waste contaminated Japanese seafood

1 year ago

Video: This woman is Dr. Wang Minxian (Mrs. Cao Hongwei), who was the director of the Radioisotope Institute of the University of Hong Kong and the founding president of the Radiation Protection Society. Please hear her opinion on eating Japanese food. If you are over 60, continue to go to Japan and eat food/seafood from Japan because at your age you probably died before the radiation kills you. But if you are young and want to have kids probably have no more offspring and the radiation will kill you in 20-30 years before you reached retirement. 視頻:這位女士就是王民賢博士(曹宏偉女士),曾任香港大學放射性同位素研究所所長、輻射防護學會創會會長。 請聽聽她對吃日本菜的看法。 如果您超過 60 歲,請繼續去日本並吃來自日本的食物/海鮮,因為在您這個年紀,您可能會在輻射殺死您之前死亡(老死) 但如果你還年輕並且想要孩子,那麼你可能不會再有後代(絕子絕孫) 而輻射會在你退休前的 20-30 年內殺死你.

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