Venus Direct in Leo | Finally Resonating w/ Our True Desires | Sept 03 2023 - Oct 07 2023

9 months ago

Astrological Transits: Venus Direct in Leo | Sept 03 2023 - Oct 07 2023| Clarity & Confidence: Finally Resonating With Our True Desires

On Sept 03 2023, Venus finally went direct in Leo after spending roughly 43 days retrograde within the sign (July 22 - Sept 3). Between Sept 03 and Oct 7 we'll experience Venus' post-shadow phase, as it makes its way through the 12th - 28th degrees of the sign, before finally entering Virgo on Oct 08/09 2023.

Retrogrades are technically optical illusions where the celestial body, in this case Venus, appears to go backwards in orbit from our perspective on earth.

Generally speaking, retrogrades are times when we go inwards to reflect, review, redefine, re-evaluate, and re-connect, so that when the celestial body finally goes direct, we have the necessary clarity to make different choices that align with our highest good.

Being the Goddess of Love, when we look at Venus we're dealing with what we desire, what we value, how we experience pleasure, the desire to love and be loved in return, not settling for something we don't want or less than we deserve, who and what we like (or don't like), and our personal satisfaction.

While Venus was retrograde, we were faced with matters of the heart, understanding our desire for connection, adjusting our aesthetic sensibilities and the things we find visually pleasing, learning about our capacity to experience joy and pleasure, and questioning our attitude toward money/spending habits and material possessions.

In the fiery sign Leo, this was very much about going within to heal any abandonment wounds, understand where we don't feel good enough or unworthy, as well as the spaces within our lives (and selves) where we lack confidence so that we could find the self confidence, self love, unconditional acceptance, determination and passion necessary to make healthy, empowered, and responsible choices as we move forward in our lives.

Venus finally direct in Leo reminds us that love is not merely about receiving adoration; it's about giving love freely, generously, and without expectation. For many within the collective, the coming days and weeks will provide opportunities to fully integrate all that we experienced while Venus was retrograde, so that we can truly begin to do what's necessary to create lives w love living.

No matter what you're going through remember, this is just for now, not forever. Things will shift over the coming days and weeks, we just need to hang in there knowing we're all in this together.

Hopefully the videos I create offer some insight with what's going on within the collective, and in turn, help you prepare for the energies at play.

To stay up to date with the astrological shifts make sure to follow me on Instagram: @StarryNightOracle

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