Wang Fang's outrageous words and actions only represent the CCP, but not the Chinese people

10 months ago

9/11/2023 A video from shows Wang Fang making fallacious claims, stating that "Ukrainian Nazis made her feel angry and outraged" and attempting to defend her shameless act of singing "Katyusha" on the ruins of the Mariupol theater recently destroyed by Russian forces. Mr. Miles Guo has previously revealed that Wang Fang is the mistress of the CCP's kleptocrat, Meng Jianzhu. Her outrageous words and actions only represent the CCP which supports Putin, but not the Chinese people!
#WangFang #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/11/2023 来自ukraina.ru网站的视频显示,王芳发表谬论称“其对乌克兰纳粹感到义愤填膺”,并试图辩护其最近在被俄军炸毁的马里乌波尔剧院的废墟上唱《喀秋莎》的无耻行径。郭文贵先生曾爆料,王芳是中共盗国贼孟建柱的情人。王芳的疯狂言行只代表支持普京的中共,而代表不了中国人!
#王芳 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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