Starfield (Very Hard) #7: Crashing the Constellation Party: New Recruit Alert!

10 months ago


Breaking news from the Galactic Echo! The infamous "rookie" from Planet Earth (Yes, THAT blue dot) has FINALLY stumbled upon the Constellation Headquarters. And guess what? They took the bait and let him in! 😂

Hear ye, hear ye, aspiring space explorers! If THIS guy can join the ranks of the esteemed Constellation explorers, there's hope for us all. Who would've thought a squishy human with two legs and questionable navigation skills would make it this far? Only in the universe of Starfield, I tell ya.

🚀 ARE YOU feeling lost on your homeworld? Feeling like a small fish in a ginormous, interstellar pond? Ever had the urge to awkwardly bumble into an elite organization's headquarters and become one of them? Then THIS episode is a masterclass for you. If he can do it, surely you can... or maybe not. 🤷‍♂️

💫 JOIN US for another thrilling, borderline unbelievable episode of a human's journey through the vast universe. Trust us, it's space-tastic, spacelicious, and full of space-laughs.

Remember, fellow star beings: Even in the vast cosmos, it's okay to trip over a black hole, crash into a meteor shower, and yes, even to join Constellation. Keep your space helmets on, and may the space-farce be with you! 👽

#StarfieldMisadventures #SpaceForDummies #ConstellationConfusion #GalacticFacepalm

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