Buttfucker Larry Silverstein Mass Murderer Of 9/11

9 months ago

I’m from Cleveland.
I call them as I see them.

Tom Trefts



1.) 08/10/23 https://amg-news.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-august-10-2023/

2.) 08/12/23 https://amg-news.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-august-12-2023/

3.) https://amg-news.com/treason-behind-january-6-pelosi-capitol-police-and-the-military-involvement-exposed-boom/

4.) https://amg-news.com/boom-the-biggest-drug-traffickers-in-the-world-was-the-royal-family-queen-elizabeth-ii-and-vatican/

5.) https://amg-news.com/breaking-operation-child-rescue-unleashed-military-and-police-white-hats-go-into-overdrive/

6.) https://amg-news.com/ecuador-presidential-candidate-fernando-villavicencio-was-assassinated-by-the-cia-yes-the-cia/

7.) https://amg-news.com/qfs-news-how-7-billion-people-will-inevitably-transition-to-the-qfs-the-financial-evolution-we-werent-prepared-for-decoding-qfs-protocols-16-17-and-the-blockchain-revolution/

8.) The Galactic Federation
Elena Danaan - ( Future Queen 🤴 Of Space 💫)

Earth Alliance / ELENA DANAAN Notes ; 2023

9.) A Conversation with Thor Han on Earth Alliance taking control of our Solar System https://exopolitics.org/a-conversation-with-thor-han-on-earth-alliance-taking-control-of-our-solar-system/

10.) Major UFO Disclosures are coming in the US and Worldwide in closing months of 2023! - Webinar Trailer https://exopolitics.org/major-ufo-disclosures-are-coming-in-the-us-and-worldwide-in-closing-months-of-2023/

11.) Yet another, on a long list of noted corroborations of what Thor Han Eredyon communicates to me, and the confirming events that proceed after these communications. On July 8th 2023, Thor Han discloses that some civilian flights are now being tested. A month later on Aug 10th the first civilian flights are now being launched into space.

12.) In a new interview Michael Shellenberger corroborates David Grusch's claims that highly credentialed corp/mil insiders are willing to reveal up 30 non-human craft have been recovered going back to WW2. "Huge UFO bombshell as 'up to 30 non-human craft' have been recovered after crashes" https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1801190/ufo-claims-non-human-craft-us-government

13.) In French : L'introduction de l'événement"Rencontres Galactiques" du 21 et 22 Juillet près de Tours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTuHGQhRcI

14.) What were the regressive extraterrestrial agendas working with the secret governments to keep mankind on Earth ignorant, servile and obedient, using the greatest weapon: fear? How and why is it already failing? Join me for a Q&A-Webinar on Sunday August 27, 2023, 4pm EST on Crowdcast, where I will share my information on these topics and answer your most upvoted questions.

15.) Peru Alien Attack, Jupiter Space Station, 30 UFO craft secretly studied – Exopolitics Today - Week in Review – 08/12/23 https://exopolitics.org/peru-alien-attack-jupiter-space-station-30-ufo-craft-secretly-studied-week-in-review-08-12-23/

16.) [ In French - Disclosure]


17.) At last, the truth about Atlantis revealed. Join me on October 20-22 in Orlando FL, for a life changing experience.

18.) https://www.galacticspiritualinformers.com/

19.) 08/15/23 https://amg-news.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-august-15-2023/

20.) Special Statement Summary From My Fellow Patriot Researcher 👨‍🔬 Will Stanton

willstanton has just posted a comment on your video "Jet Ski’s & Boats Slip Blockade To Bring Aid To MAUI!!!". Here is the full comment:
"You all need to know this. I posted the following on a video about Lahaina on YouTube. My post got 246 likes, and then YouTube DELETED IT. Please share this information on all social media: I have a friend in Lahaina and I'm getting my information direct from the locals. They are ALL trying to speak out about this, but very few are being heard. Here is everything I have been told, from all the evidence collated: - Sirens down. - Water turned off. Firefighters unable to do their job. - Communication down - FEMA and Red Cross deliberately withholding all lifesaving supplies - Police following unknown orders to block exits, keeping people in the fire zone - Zero obstructions blocking exits other than the police themselves and one downed power pole people could easily get around. - Power company owned by Blackrock - FEMA staying in $1000 a night luxury hotels while locals starved in whatever homes remained - Over a thousand people missing. Mainstream media reporting only a couple of hundred. - Children all unaccounted for. - Trees still standing while buildings leveled. No natural fire in history does this. - Hawaii Governor, Josh Green, telling everyone not to get any news from Social Media. - Police Chief, John Pelletier, is also coroner in charge of case. And led Las Vegas shooting response. - Biden gives all families $700 with which to rebuild their lives - Maui in official documents to be the first ever Smart City. - No military response from the mainland during the fires. No fly zone ordered. - Dust barrier put up after the incident to stop anyone from outside looking in at the disaster zone - Zero houses partially damaged and partially burned. Everything either completely flattened or miraculously unscathed. Only the most expensive properties unscathed. - The fire seemingly went around particular buildings while leaving everything else like a war zone surrounding those buildings. WE DON'T LET THESE BASTARDS COVER THIS UP."

21.) Free Iron Thunderhorse Petition https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/286/295/701/

22.) More Space Stuff - https://youtube.com/shorts/lSWAP_kM73Y?si=Jq3dRhCa_cjr-1AB



Insider info! The FEMA Files Confirm Death Camps ARE Hidden Right in YOUR Backyard! - best news here New News Sites

D.E.W. Directed Energy Weapons.
The globalist-transhumanist-eugenics Rockefeller-Rothschild CFR RAND WEF TPTB cabal has to -

Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!


Conflict of Interest? Maui Police Chief Who Oversaw Emergency Response at Vegas Mass Shooting Also Serves as Maui Coroner!

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