Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld Dungeon 1 Complete Walkthrough Guide: The Eagle & Aquamentus

1 year ago

Watch BrightGaming complete the 1st dungeon of the Overworld in the original Legend of Zelda on NES Nintendo. Located the middle of the map, this dungeon gets it name from the "Eagle" shape with the Aquamentus guarding the first Triforce piece at the head of the Eagle.

Enter the dungeon and go both left and right, clearing both rooms to collect keys. Go up 2 room and kill all the skeleton in both rooms for the Rupees and hopefully bombs. Go left then up while ignoring the bats and gels. Collect the map in the next room and then go up 2 rooms, collecting keys in both. Go left and enter the stairs to collect the Bow. Return right and down to the room where the map was. Go right and clear the room to collect the Wooden Boomerang. Continue right and collect the key. Go up to face Aquamentus. It is easily killed at full health with the flying sword, or attacked from above. Celebrate your victory with the first Triforce piece.

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