Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld Dungeon 2 Complete Walkthrough Guide: The Moon & Dodongo

10 months ago

Watch BrightGaming complete the 2nd Dungeon of the Overworld in the original Legend of Zelda on NES Nintendo. Know at "The Moon" based on it's shape, this snake-filled dungeon takes sword skills to kill the monsters and collect the Blue Boomerang. Bombs are necessary to feed and kill the Dodongo guarding the 2nd Triforce piece.

Enter the dungeon and go right to claim a key from the snakes. Go up 3 rooms and kill more snakes to get another key. Go right and clear the fire room to collect the Blue Boomerang. Return left and then keep going up killing monsters in each room. The Dodongo is the top room require Bombs to be defeated. Place them in front of him and he will eat them at his peril. Celebrate as you collect the 2nd Triforce piece

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