BFGC - Sep 10, 2023 Spirit that Transforms

1 year ago

The Bible tells us that mankind was created in the likeness and image of Yehovah and that sin ruined that perfection and created a barrier that keeps man from entering into God's Presence. Yehovah knew sin was going to be a problem and so He put in place a plan before the foundation of the world, to bring mankind back into that Godly image. He is coming to tabernacle with mankind, but not until the sin problem has been completely removed.

Christ died on the cross to pay the debt for our sins and if we accept that free gift, we can have a new heart and a new mind that can be molded into the image that Yehovah desires. The Holy Spirit of Yehovah starts a work in the life of a new believer when they are born again, and the cleanup and sanctification process continues as long as they are serving God, or until Yeshua returns and finishes the job. The Holy Spirit brings a new attitude and new desires, a healthy fear of what God says in His Word, supernatural wisdom and knowledge, understanding and discernment of spiritual things, and the boldness and authority to speak the Words of God, even in the face of persecution.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit everyday and don't let anyone tell you that you don't need the help, or that the Holy Spirit is not available for everyone today. The Helper has come and has been poured out into the entire world, everyone that wants to please God and produce good fruit will need the Holy Spirit active in their life.

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Preach the 1000 year Righteous Kingdom of Yehovah
Make Disciples for Yeshua the Anointed
Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father

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