Whippin' Post by The Allman Brothers ~ The Cabal Hate Us for our Connection to Christ

1 year ago

More than anything else, Gregg Allman's, Tied to the Whippin' Post, is the Truth about Living within this False World, constructed by the Canaanites, where everywhere we Turn, the System Punishes us for Even Existing...thus, Whippin' Post is an Allegory for the Sick and Diseased World we have Chosen to Accept and Deal with, instead of Fight Against...this is all set in place for us with the first line of the song...

'I've been run down and I've been lied to...'

The Whipping that we take at the Hands of Satan, is this Diseased System that HIDES the Truth from us, while Proliferating Lies at Every Turn...and this is how we are 'Run Down', but living Upside Down Lives, where we really aren't Living, rather Dying, as Slaves, within Prisons of our Own Minds...

The Play out of our Lives as being Slaves, Tied Up and Whipped by our Masters, comes thru the next four lines, where we tolerate our Slavery for the False Love of a 'Mean Wombman', which is just an Allegory for Sucking from the Tit of the Babylon Whore, which the Book of Revelation talks about again and again...

'And I don't know why, I let that mean woman make me a fool.
She took all my money, wrecks my new car.
Now she's with one of my good time buddies,
They're drinkin' in some cross-town bar...'

And it is in the 2nd and Last Verse, where Gregg Allman explains everything that is happening in the world, right now, where our Enlightened Friends, who can See the Truth, tell us the Truth of our Plight, but we don't listen, we deny them, and stick by this Mean Wombman who controls the World, just for the Table Scraps from Her Whorish Plate...and in doing so, we don't leave, or change our situation, we just keep taking her 'SHIT' and as such we Go Round and Round and Round the Samsara, the Great Wheel of Life, always returning to Play the Role of the Slave, tied to the Toxic Love of a Bad Wombman, instead of Doing what's Right, and Working the Divine Affection from our True Virtuous Mother, The Earth...

You see this Illusion of the Cabalistic World, where there are Jobs because everything Costs Money, is what WHIPS Us, Daily, while our True Earth, Cared for by our Virtuous Mother Earth, Heals us, Clothes us, Shelters us, and Feeds us, ALL FOR FREE, perpetually...

So, the Choice is Ours...do we wish to Continue on in SIN, living as a Whipped Slaves in a False World, or do we wish to do what is Right and Virtuous, and Live as Free Men and Wombmen upon this Goodly Earth???

Choose, but Choose Wisely...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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