09.10.23 "As Within, So Without. As Above, So Below."

9 months ago

How to deal with the world we find ourselves in, has been a challenge for just about all of those who claim to embrace the teaching of ACIM at one time or another – and perhaps all the time. Some would ignore the world, even denigrate it. Those who do mention it, or even give it a purpose, are frequently harshly criticized by those ACIM people who are trying to rise above the world by reducing its importance. ACIM tells us that our path lies in the middle. "Many have chosen to renounce the world while still believing its reality ... Others have chosen nothing but the world – Between these paths there is another road that leads away from loss of every kind ... This is the way appointed for you now." (OrEd.WkBk.155.4-5) Choosing to walk the middle way should certainly be familiar to anyone with even a passing knowledge of Buddhism.

I pose that the middle way actually involves an acceptance of both the inner and the outer as important and useful. Actually ACIM tells us they are the same. "The idea for today, like the preceding ones, applies to your inner and outer worlds, which are actually the same." (OrEd.WkBk.32.2) Many of the first 50 Workbook lessons have you do the same application to the inner and outer worlds, with a consistent point made to make no distinction in applying the practice to either. For the sake of practice they are both treated exactly the same. Since this is true, why do some people think healing should only be applied to mind and thoughts, the inner world, and not to the body, either our own or that of another, in the outer world? "These exercises ... consist of repeating the idea slowly as you survey either your inner or outer world. It does not matter which you choose." (OrEd.WkBk.32.5) Again, it does not matter which is chosen because since it is the inner that is causing the outer they are both technically the same. "You will escape from both together, for the inner is the cause of the outer." (OrEd.WkBk.31.2)

This truth has been taught for many millennium. Consider this well known expression from Hermetic Philosophy, “As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.” Hermeticism is a religious philosophy that was popular during the same time of early Christianity. It is very metaphysical. It combined elements of classic Greek (the God Hermes) and classic Egyptian (the God Thoth) philosophy. Obviously they were onto the same metaphysical truth that the inner is the cause of the outer. This understanding is necessary for all true healing. No limits within means no limits without. Manifesting no limits without must mean accepting no limits within. Healing of the inner is the healing of the outer. Manifesting a healing of the outer must mean that the inner too has been healed. “As within, so without. As above, so below."

29 min.

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