Disease X: The ‘Need’ To Make ‘Vaccines’ Within 100 Days - UK Column News

9 months ago

Disease X: The ‘Need’ To Make ‘Vaccines’ Within 100 Days
* Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-11th-september-2023
- International Covid III Summit Part 2 European Parliament Brussels: This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines
- Medpage Today: Maine Physician Suspended for COVID Misinformation
- ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists) Group in the European Parliament: Who we are
- CEPI: The Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit: On the road to 100-Day vaccines
- CEPI: 100 Days: 
“CEPI and the UK Government recently hosted the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit to explore how we can respond to the next “Disease X”, by making safe, effective vaccines within 100 days.”
- Previous UK Column coverage of CEPI

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