USA Laser General: C&C Untitled (Zero Hour Mod) Let's Play

1 year ago

In the C&C Untitled Mod, the America factions are presented as a high-tech faction and the Laser General is one of the showcasers of the advanced technology the US has. His faction uses Lasers, Plasma Weapons, and has a drone as a Stealth Bomber. Units Include: Laser Ranger, a Laser variant of the Avenger unit, Helion Trooper (which can use plasma to destroy buildings and vehicles or switch to a laser that can one shot infantry units, I forgot to show the descriptions for the separate modes), Greyhound IFV (which for this faction has Plasma cannons and can upgrade itself with TOW Missiles, I didn't showcase the TOW Missile upgrade) Crusader Tank with can upgrade itself with a laser machine gun, Laser Chevalier, Hammer Artillery (which uses a long distance energy weapon), Sledge PAV is a unique superunit that can shut down buildings with a EMP infused energy weapon, the Stealth Bomber I mentioned earlier (Which is a drone with this faction), a futuristic fighter jet called the Owlhawk, a variant of the Falcon Gunship with a pulse cannon, Also Colonel Burton has a unique weapon with this faction.

Also showcased is a unique building that trains police units, like the Shotgun wielding Breacher, Marksman, and Shield which is a melee unit. The unit selection is the same weather it's you are the American Prison Industrial Complex, Chinese enforcers of censorship and human rights violations, or the GLA which is probably enforcing Islamic law.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video looks at the USA Laser General of the C&C Untitled mod.

0:31: The Laser General's Cold Fusion Power Plant produces slightly more power than the default USA faction's power plant.

1:33: The Laser Ranger is one of the few subfaction exclusive US infantry units.

2:15: The Tech Center supplies a lot of power for the Laser General.

2:52: There's a capturable Police Station added in the C&C Untitled Mod.

3:07: The fact the Stealth Bomber is a Drone with this faction reflects the futuristic weapons theme of this general.

3:30: The the Google G Spyglass Icon Implies your just looking up your enemies base on the internet.

3:43:The Laser General Gives Colonel Burton a laser weapon, also I wasn't comfortable with one of the Colonel Burton Quotes added in the mod as he mentions bathroom functions.

4:20: This General's Enhanced Power Packs upgrade grants many units Higher damage and Rate of Fire.

5:12: Much of this generals entire land vehicle arsenal is unique to his faction.

5:47: Yes it says your mom in all caps in the description.

6:50: Yes there is a melee infantry unit with the Police Station added in the mod.

7:05: The Sugar Rush Radius is pretty small.

7:22: Let's stage our vehicles closer to the enemy base.

7:54: I don't want to show the turrets defense system refit as it looks like a giant boob with a red nipple

8:32: Implying the police car can use the detainee area to store more officers.

8:48: Burst Rounds, reminds me of SSOHPKC saying Shotgun Rain

8:59: I liked seeing SSOH's videos in my IRL teen years.

10:14: Helicopter get out of there.

10:35: We attack now.

10:40: He said Get out of the way

11:50: His baton swings are doing a lot of building damage

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