Canning Meat From The Freezer 🍗🫙🌭🌭🙏#canning#prepping #canningmeat#preserving #blessed#community

9 months ago

Canning Meat from Freezer
Unfortunately Our Brand New Fridge Freezer That We Had delivered only days before decided to break down on us,

Canning Meat from Freezer

We decided to can and dehydrate as much as we possibly could.
Unfortunately we were struggling for Jars so had to make the most of the jars we had to salvage as much as we could.

Canning Meat from Freezer
We managed to can all of the sausage we had as these are Mr Wall Flowers favourite
We also canned mince meat and chicken
we lost a lot of food to so will raise this with the freezer company themselves.

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