Message of Faith from the Cetaceans

9 months ago

Whales & Dolphins
Sacred Geometry & Ley Lines
Astral Travel
Whale Hunting = Dark Agenda
Painless Birth via Sound Frequency
Wisdom Keepers • Akashic Records

The Cetacean community on earth is here to help us heal. To transmute energy and assist with the collective of beings on this earthly plane. They use frequency and vibration, weaving webs of sacred geometry and utilizing ley lines along the way. They have the awareness of astral traveling. With being highly evolved spiritual beings they were targeted by dark agendas. The Cetaceans wish to bring us a message of faith, to follow faith in times of fear and to call upon them for their support. They also want you to know that they have the ability to transmute our pain, this has been proven with birthing sanctuaries, giving women painless births. They do this with sound, frequency and vibrations. They encourage us to ask them more questions and also want to let us know that they are the wisdom keepers of earth and are connected to the akashic records.

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