How To REVERSE YOUR AGE In 40 Days With WATER FASTING | Dr. Alan Goldhamer

1 year ago

Before You Set Another Goal


“Whether it’s refined carbohydrates, the sugars, the oils, the salt or refined meat foods — you know animal foods that have been highly refined. Either one of those, these high animal protein, high refined carbohydrate diets, these are the things that cause people to be fat, sick, and miserable. This is why we have this epidemic.”

“When you’re in a ketonic state, you don’t feel hunger and as a consequence it helps people that are trying to do short-term weight loss. The problem is, what’s good for short-term weight loss isn’t necessarily the same thing that’s best for long-term health stability.”

“Now, you might ask me, “Can people eat meat and still maintain optimum weight?” Absolutely. Cause meat isn’t a highly-fractionated, pleasure trap food… The problem with meat is it’s very concentrated, if you eat too much of it, you can have problems

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