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Canada is Broken and Failing

1 year ago

'This is a crisis': Head of medical association warns that the health-care system faces 'collapse'

The new president of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) said Wednesday he fears the country's fragile health-care system will deteriorate further without an injection of cash — and a plan to increase the number of doctors and other health care professionals.

Dr. Alika Lafontaine, an anesthesiologist in Grande Prairie, Alta., and the group's first Indigenous president, told CBC News that Canada's health care is in "dire" straits, with quality care severely limited in some parts of the country.


The health system is bad now. It's going to get a lot worse — and here's why

Canada’s health-care system is under siege. The country is still grappling with an acute crisis in our hospitals stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic while the slow-moving quagmire caused by the country’s aging population threatens to become a larger disaster. Can our system handle it? This joint five-part Medicare Meltdown series produced by the National Post and The Hub looks deep into the world of Canadian health care, not just to identify problems, but to offer solutions for the future.


A ‘broken’ system: Canadians can’t afford lawyers but don’t qualify for legal aid

Legal experts say the justice system is failing Canada’s working poor, many of whom are unable to afford lawyers and end up pleading guilty or representing themselves in court.


Corruption in Canada worst in a decade, finds international watchdog

Canada has, once again, slipped down an international ranking for corruption, standing at 13th in the world and well back of world leaders, such as Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore.


Canadian Schools Brainwashing Students With LGBT, Transgender Propaganda

The LGTBQ indoctrination never ends. Children in schools must be brainwashed. According to Lifesite News, In the latest edition of Professionally Speaking, the June 2019 publication of the Ontario College of Teachers has another article pushing once more the inclusive classroom.


Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2022 Report

Waiting for treatment has become a defining characteristic of Canadian health care. In order to document the queues for visits to specialists and for diagnostic and surgical procedures in the country, the Fraser Institute has—for almost three decades—surveyed specialist physicians across 12 specialties and 10 provinces.


Canadian man claims assisted suicide is being pushed on him by hospital


Government agrees mentally ill should have access to assisted dying — in 2 years


Canadian veterans were offered assisted suicide in five instances, committee hears
